Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What ever happened to one night stands?

In business these days, we have many technical tools. We have social media at our fingertips, and we can get a review of a product or service at the click of a button. We look for analytics to tell us the results of our marketing campaigns. What is the result of all this wonderful technology? It prompts us to want the answers faster and we have shorter attention spans.

While all of these technical tools have their purpose and do great jobs that would take us many manual hours to get to an answer, it has taken the valued face to face partnership out of the equation. I am referring to the all-important one on one working relationship. Business people rely so heavily on getting the quick answers from our colleagues that we may not be taking enough time to build that all important relationship.

When I first met Michael Palazzo, I was not at all sure about hiring a life coach. I was not convinced I needed one, and could not see the benefits. It was a difficult decision. I was ambitious but not getting ahead. I had a clear path in mind but was not moving forward.

Through regularly scheduled one on one coaching sessions Michael has had the insight to get a deep understanding of not only where I have been, but where I want to go with my life and my business. He has cultivated a working relationship that we have built on.

This valued partnership has grown to the point where I have a good solid foundation of understanding. I through his coaching, I now see what was holding me back from being successful.  I also have a new understanding of the coaching process and how it has benefited me and my business. I highly recommend that if you are on the fence about starting a long term relationship with a business coach that you start with Michael Palazzo at Coach-Masters.

Whatever happened to one night stands? We grew up. We matured. We moved past the instant gratification and realized we want something- like a long term relationship or someone- like a business coach or a life partner -- who is more stable in our lives and whom we can rely on to be there for us.

If that’s the case for you, you have come to the right place.

Michael Palazzo and Coach-Masters will give you the tools to see where you may have taken a wrong turn in your past, and how to get and stay on track so you can meet your goals and get to where you want to be in your life, business or both.

Susan Gibbons is the owner/CEO of Susan Gibbons Virtual Assistants, and can be reached at mailto:susan@gibbonsva.com.