Faith – A Believers Walk Through Life
The Bible defines “Faith” as the assurance of things hoped for, and the conviction of things unseen. As a frequent business traveler, I spend a great amount of time jetting to and from cities across these great United States. After the charming experience with TSA, I find myself boarding a modern jet in hopes of arriving safely at my destination on or about the expected time of arrival. I never question or even think to ask if the flight I have just boarded has the proper amount of pressurization to ensure I will have enough oxygen as we’re cruising the skies at 500 miles an hour. Nor do we think to ask when the last inspection was performed to be assured a safe journey, yet we have faith in the big name airline and feel reasonably secure to entrust our life to people we hardly know.
I am often reminded that Faith is our compass in the night when clouds obscure even the stars above. How we choose to live our life comes down to two basic principles. What we believe and in whom we trust to make things happen.
I have recently begun the process of relocating my business and personal residence. I must tell you that no matter how much planning one does, situations seem to always arise which cause you to ask yourself, if what you’re doing is the right thing. I am often reminded that just before a great victory comes unexpected storms and unwanted challenges. People of great faith understand that when we fall back onto our beliefs, we know for sure that no matter what obstacles we face, we will overcome.
Faith is our assurance that our path is secure as we walk calmly into un-chartered territory. No matter how much effort we invest, the best results come when we just trust and obey. Developing greater faith requires us to trust in what we believe to be true; a willingness to step beyond our comfort zones, and allow miracles to be unfolded in our daily lives.
In today’s uncertain times, we must become people of great faith. Life offers each of us many blessings; too often we become caught up in our human experience to remember that we are all spiritual creatures enjoying a brief earthly journey. Perhaps the goal for us all is to ask our creator what the real purpose of our life is, then as we move boldly ahead, our faith and our lives will certainly reflect our reason for being.
Make a difference in someone’s life today, we have no guarantee we will ever have the opportunity again.