Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I would highly recommend Michael Palazzo as a Business Coach to anyone who is looking for one. Michael is looking to help small business owners make an honest living.

I met Michael Palazzo several months ago, when we were in negotiations to do some work together. Michael told me about some trouble he had in the past. He advised me to look him up on the internet. We made another appointment to speak again on the telephone.

I researched Michael on the internet, and called a few people I know. Everything Michael told me checked out on the internet. Despite this, I wanted to give this man a chance, and here is why.

Many years ago in first grade, I learned the story of George Washington and the cherry tree. As you may recall, the story illustrated George’s integrity when he declared he could not tell a lie; he had done wrong. All during my youth, society told us that good people always tell the truth and take responsibility for their actions. We heard the same message at church: if we confess our sins, we will be forgiven.

We all remember how President Clinton went on TV and told the world he didn’t have sex with Monica Lewinski. Then the government wasted time and money proving that he was less than honest about that. I didn’t care that he had an affair, but I did care that he lied. This led me and millions of others to lose respect for the President. He lost all credibility.

I’m not sure why people today have stopped taking responsibility for their actions and the actions of their children. Back in the ’60s and ’70s, when kids were outside playing all day, sometimes a window would get broken. Our parents would get so mad at us, but everyone put some money together and fixed the broken window. The kids were given more chores to make up for the cost of the window. In this way we learned to take responsibility and to act with integrity.

Michael Palazzo has made some mistakes in his past. Just like people brought up in the ’60s, he admits his mistakes. He doesn’t make excuses; he just says what happened and goes on. I like that, and I admire him for stepping up and taking responsibility for what he did. Because of this, I decided I want to work with him. In my opinion, Michael feels remorse for his past mistakes and has learned some hard lessons from them. I believe you can benefit from Michael’s experience if you hire him as your Business Coach.

David Wander 
Eastgate Virtual Professional LLC